Outward Bound Malaysia Lumut Part 2

21st Nov 2011

Woke up at 5.30, get ready semua coz by 6.30 we have to assemble. DAMN EARLY. At home, I sleep at 5. But here in OBS, 5.30 dah kena bangun hahahahaha not funny bruh. So, obviously tak mandi pagi lah kan. Takde hot water hahaha again not funny. Then 6.25 turun. Oh, we have to climb 80 anak tangga to reach to our dorm. You don't have to pergi gym anymore. So yeah. Then, nyanyi Negaraku and blablabla. Then ada briefing kejap. 8.30 breakfast. Makanan dia i swear to God so sedap. I mean, sedap lah sebab selalunya kalau camp, makanan dia blergh. But this, holy cow one day 4 kali makan. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper.

Ok I actually tak ingat the arrangement of the activities there. So I'm just gonna make it short. I mean, I'm gonna story about everything I did there. if you don't get my story, PRETEND TO FAHAM OK pls

1st Mini Jungle Trecking.

We have to jungle treck for 2 hours. Damn tiring. Seriously. Rehat for like 5 mins and then sambung jalan for 45 minutes. Everyone was like "I NEED HELICOPTER I WANNA GO HOME I'M HOMESICK" lmao yeah talk about being a spoil kid. Kitorang kena jalan sambil cari clue. We have 16 checkpoints and each checkpoints ada clue. Our navigator, Cecilia, she's always confuse nak guna compass. But she's damn good. we all sesat sekali je. But Emily, our 2nd instructor kept saying "where r we now guys. navigator check your bearing" bleh bleh. but then 2 hours later, keluar jungle finally. Then kemas kemas all the stuff, dinner time! Semua makan macam 1 year tak jumpa makanan.

Making raft.

We have only 1 hour and 30 mins to build a raft. Hahah. Semua ambik batang paip, rope, barrel and stuff. Then ikat ikat ikat, yay siap (but i swear to god it is not safe at all). Semua longgar. But nevermind. Bryan, our team mate, over excited nak rafting. We all angkat our raft masuk laut, semua dah duduk, ambik paddle, paddle paddle, boom everything terbukak lmao. Told you it's not safe at all. Group Mulu dah selamat sampai ke tengah laut. Group Ulu sepat laughed at us. Then kitorang buat balik. Kali ni, Mr. Izzat and Emily tolong. Then dah siap buat balik, hujan. Maybe God is trying to tell us that we can never build a safe raft so better stay on darat lol. Tak dapat nak paddle ke tengah laut. Semua lari masuk gym hall coz it's so cold. Hujan lebat gila. But it was fun though. but im never gonna build anything again.

Wall climbing

I climbed 2 times! Yay me! Lol. The guys climb laju gila while me, "omg mana nak pegang ni how nak panjat ni where the hell is my left leg what is going on im gonna die". We have to climb using the same colour. I mean, if dah pegang colour merah punya tempat, kena panjat guna colour merah punya je. It was fun. We have to belay (is this even right lol) sendiri jugak. Y'know, jadi orang yang tolong control rope dari bawah tu supaya orang atas tak jatuh. Our instructors tengok je from below coz they're just so lazy lol no lah.

(To be Continue........)